Systems / Emulators

Special Note: The CAIL Emulator is provided courtesy of CAIL and is not a component of any purchased MOMI product.  The Emulator is a limited-function version of the CAIL CTT/Suite product.  BlackWood Systems and CAIL reserves the right to discontinue, limit or alter the availability in future releases.  Please see  the CAIL Emulator help within the Emulator for additional information.  To obtain a full featured emulator, please contact CAIL.  




The Systems / Emulators screen provides the ability to define and launch the CAIL 6530 terminal emulator.  This provides command line and full screen access to Nonstop applications.


An emulator is defined by pushing the Create New Emulator button.  In the pop-up window enter the HostName/IP Address, port (usually the default of 23 for Telserv), Service (by default a selection is displayed once a connection is established), a name for the emulator and a description the press Create.  The new button created may then be pressed to launch an emulator.  Right-click on the created emulator button to delete.





An Internal emulator (below) appears as a tab within the MOMI process.  An external emulator is launched in a stand-alone window.